
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week 2 Review: Storybook Archive

My favorite part about the announcements this week was the story posted on the storybook archive called "Legends of Fire" on Wednesday's Announcements. Dragon Breathing Fire:  Dragons and Winged Serpents

Famous Last Words: Great Start to the School Year

I loved all of the readings this week, I found myself going to the readings as a break from my other stressful classes. I had time to read both potions of the reading because I always make sure to work ahead for this class so that I am not behind. I have not written stories or essays in a long time because all of my classes are science heavy so this class was the only class I wrote for this week and I enjoyed it. I was scared at first because I thought I would struggle since I have never retold a story from an original story before but I think it well pretty well. I also liked the list of suggestions given to us on how we could change the original story so that I could get ideas flowing through while reading the stories. I read a lot of other stories that were posted and I loved them all to death, everyone in this class is so creative and put a twist on the stories in a way that I would never have thought to do. My favorite of the stories created dialogue for the story that was origina

Topic Brainstorm

Tricksters I want to do my project over Tricksters because they are so sly, intelligent, and cunning which makes them so interesting to read about. I want to bring tricksters from different cultures together on one setting.  Heroes of Myth and Legend I want to do my project over Heroes of Myth and Legend because I am a huge fan of any story that has a hero as the main focus. I want to focus on Greek mythological heroes such as Achilles, Hercules, and Perseus for my stories. I want to retell them with a more modern twist. Fairy Tale Princesses I am interested in doing my project over Fairy Tale Princesses because I have always been a little girl at heart. I love the classical stories with a princess and I also want to learn about the different kinds of princesses from different cultures because the definition of a princess might be different in other places. I would want to keep the stories mostly the same but twist the endings because some original princess stories actua

Google Timer Tech Tip

I don't use a google timer or any sort of timer when studying because I feel like the alarm going off gives me anxiety. I used to have the same ringtone as my alarm and I would get so startled everytime someone called me. A time management trick that I use is working to the nearest hour and pushing through until the next hour hits and I'll get a little 10 minute break before I continue until the next hour.

Typing Test Tech Tip

I only tried the typing test website that was suggested and I disliked that I made many mistakes while typing so going back and fixing them wasted a lot of time. I would love to improve my typing speed and accuracy, but the last time I had a keyboarding class was in 6th grade. I do think typing quickly is a useful skill now that I'm getting into my harder classes where the professor lectures so fast that I can't keep up with handwriting notes anymore so I have to type out notes along with the lectures.

Collage Tech Tip

I used to make the collage.  Images of my friends and I in Dallas: Taken by Patricia Truong

Feedback Thoughts

I read the "Psychology of Comparison and How to Stop"  and learned that you should look on ahead and focus on your goals. Don't get side tracked by what other people are doing around you. Only try to accomplish your own goals and don't try to compare yourself to others for only temporary satisfaction. I also read "6 Bad Mental Habits that Sabotage your Success"  and the main point is to have self confidence. Don't put the blame on someone else when something goes wrong, use what if statements, think of the future in a negative way, or doubt your actions. Believe in yourself and don't depend on someone else to tell you that you're good enough. I think feedback is necessary for improvement. The most productive feedback I have received was from my composition class that I took in high school because we had to peer review each others' essays. A negative experience I have had came from one of the clubs I was an officer for, there was a complaint

Week 2 Story: Galatea

Galatea was a lonely soul, having no luck with men in her life thus far. She had a bad experience with one of her ex-boyfriends and stopped trying to date since. She did have a wonderful talent of sculpting though so she took a large block of ivory from her garage and started chiseling out the feature of a man. The sculpture had curly hair with abs that were as hard as a rock. She started to fall in love with her sculpture that she named Pygmalion, she was no longer lonely with Pygmalion at her side. She treated him just like a normal human being by holding his hand and telling him about her day when coming home every day. She made him her priority and adorned him with endless watches, cologne, wallets, and the most expensive gifts that a man could ever want. One day, the Venus festival came to the town of Cyprus and she saw an opportunity. Galatea went to the festival and prayed earnestly at the altar to have a man as wonderful as her ivory soul mate at home. Venus knew exactly what s

Wikipedia Trail from Amaterasu to Marquis

I started my Wikipedia Trail with Amaterasu who was the goddess of the sun in the Shinto religion. I was curious to know more about her because I was a little lost in the reading, Heavenly Beings: Susanoo and Orochi due to the many Japanese character names. I then transitioned over to Ise Grand Shrine  because I have an interest in architecture and wanted to see what the shrine looks like. The shrine is dedicated to the sun goddess and is one of the holiest and most important sites.  Ise Grand Shrine in Japan: Wikipedia After reading about the Ise Grand Shrine, I clicked on a link to the Meji Period  because some of the ornamental walkways in the Ise Grand Shrine were made in the Meji Period and I was curious to know if it was a time of art or creativity. The Meji Era is actually when Japan remodeled from the original feudal society to a more modern form. Finally, I finished off my wikipedia trail with the Marquis  because I was curious about how the nobility system of Ja

Learning Challenge: Deskercises

My favorite deskercises were the six  yoga ones that you can do at your desk. The ones I will most likely keep doing are the shoulder rolls, open chest stretch, active arm stretches, back work out, and chair twist. The ones in the workout at work article are a little too embarrassing to do in public so I most likely will not be continuing those. Deskercises:  Time

Tech Tips: Creating a Quote Graphic

Motivational Quote by Bill Wilson: Made by Rosa Tran on Canva

Growth Mindset: Mistake Acronym

I made this acronym because I am often very scared to make a mistake. Whenever a professor asks the class a question, I hesitate to answer because I'm afraid of being wrong. However, I have learned that I learn best from my mistakes and they motivate me to work even harder.  Growth mindset acronym: Made by Rosa Tran on Canva

Reading Notes: Jakatas

The Cunning Crane and the Crab A crane was in a beautiful lake with lily pads and trees to give shade to the water, while a bunch of fish were in a lake nearby that was getting dried up from the drought and so the crane flew over to the fish and offered to give them a ride to his lake so he could eat them. The fish were hesitant and sent an old fish with one eye to go test it out so the crane took the fish and brought him to his lake and then back to the dried out lake so he could tell the story of how great the lake was and so every fish wanted to go and so now that the crane had hooked in the fish, he took them one by one and ate them under the tree rather than in the lake. He eventually ate all the fish and all that was left was the crab and so he tried to trick the crab but the crab knew better, he convinced the crane to let the crab grab a hold of the crane's neck to feel safe but the crane wasn't even thinking. The crane said yes and brought him over to the tree and th

Reading Notes: Anthology

The Origins: The Man in the Moon -main characters: blacksmith and wise man -plot: blacksmith doesn't want to be a blacksmith anymore because it's too warm so he asks to be a stone on the mountain but it hurts to be cut, a stone cutter but his feet hurt, the sun but was too warm, and finally the moon which was still too warm because of the warmth from the sun and so he goes through a series of these requests that are granted by the wise man. -ending: He finally comes to the realization that he just wants to be a blacksmith after all but the wise man won't let him change back. The Hare that Was not Afraid to Die -main characters: Buddha in the form of a hare, a monkey, jackal, and otter -plot: Buddha tells the group to feed beggars on fasting day with their own stash of food but the Otter comes upon 7 red fish that a fisherman had caught and contemplates just eating them all. The Jackal found a pot of milk curd in a hut and also thought about eating it all. T

Reading Options

I like any of the units with the words: fairy tales in them so I'll probably end up reading all of those. In addition to those, I found 3 other units very interesting. In The Story of Beowulf , I am interested to see how Beowulf defeats the monsters and the fire breathing dragon. I also want to read Nursery Rhymes  to reminisce about my childhood. I am interested in reading the  Twenty Two Goblins  because I am so intrigued by the paradoxical questions and how the king answers them. This Little Piggy Nursery Rhyme: Barefoot Books

Time Strategies

I have never been the type of person to procrastinate, I always work ahead so that I don't let all of my work pile up right before a deadline. I read " The Psychology of Checklists: Why Setting Small Goals Motivates Us to Accomplish Bigger Things " and learned that making small goals into checklists in order to achieve a larger goal releases small amounts of dopamine. I definitely believe that is true because the only way I can keep myself sane is to mark things off of my checklist in my agenda. I also read "How to Beat Procrastination"  and learned that in order to avoid procrastinating, make it to where going ahead will result in great rewards while falling behind will result in terrible consequences. There are multiple ways to achieve this, for example, telling other people you will do the assignment ahead of time because people are aware of their social standing or envision how great it'll be once the assignment is done and you won't have to worry ab


I am familiar with most of the tools because I was social media chair for VSA last year and had to run the website as well as edit photos from our promotional photo shoots. I also had to do audio recordings for when I blogged for my AP Spanish Class. The online environment in this class is completely new to me because I have never had an online class before but I am really enjoying this class!                                      Technology: Flickr 


I love how flexible the schedule for this class is because I can work on the assignments whenever I have free time in between other classes. I also enjoy reading about mythology so I see it more as relaxing in my down time rather than having to do an assignment. I also like that I can work ahead if I need to so I can lessen the load during more stressful times. I am really interested in the growth mindset, tech tips, and H.E.A.R.T extra credit assignments.                             Extra credit meme: imgflip

Growth Mindset

I have heard of the growth mindset before from my AP psychology class in high school but I don’t remember learning about Carol Dweck. I really like the growth mindset and believe in it whole heartedly. There are some moments when I have a fixed mindset because my parents have always driven me to make perfect scores no matter what and I get stressed out and so focused on trying to get that perfect score that I cram and don’t actually truly learn the material. My biggest challenge when it comes to learning new things is how others perceive me. I work really hard and have always put a lot on my plate, for example: taking more credit hours because I wanted to challenge myself and be able to handle more. However, others seemed to care more about my grades than I do. People would make bets on my test scores or make comments like “Oh, of course Rosa made a 100 on that test, why bother asking” so then I would feel worse when I didn’t. I would love to learn more about the growth mindset thr

Introduction to an Adventurous Girl

If I could sum myself up in one word, it would have to be clumsy! I once dislocated my knee while watching a movie and I have sprained my ankle quite a few times from falling down the stairs or just tripping over air. I am a micro-biology major entering into my junior year at OU. I aspire to be a physician’s associate one day in urgent care and then pediatric orthopedics. I have insanely over protective parents, so this one time when I got a nose bleed, they called 911... I have 3 older siblings (yes, the last time we took a picture together was my high school graduation). I hear a lot of people say that they don't get along with their siblings but I spend a lot of time hanging out with my brothers and sister.                                                                          My siblings and I at my high school graduation: Photo taken by Van Tran I love being outdoors so I was mostly outside this summer playing volleyball, swimming, hiking, playing tennis, and getting

Storybook Favorites

The Villains' Side The topic of the storybook is familiar to me but the perspective that the story is told from is completely different from the original stories. The title hooked me in because I wanted to know how these classic stories could be retold from the villains' point of view. The introduction is interesting and leads me in further. I can imagine the voice of the character just by reading the words. I like how the introduction doesn't just state what the stories will be about but instead, starts by speaking in first person point of view of the main character. I like the titles for the labels and how it is nicely organized so I can go from one story to the next but the design of the page itself is a bit plain. The pictures compliment the stories well but overall, the pages lack design. I would want to use labels for my stories as well and speak in first person point of view of the characters.                                                                      

Favorite Place

My favorite place is by the water. My family goes on vacation to a different beach every year since we don't have any in Oklahoma. I love the feeling of the sand between my toes, the sound of the waves as they collapse on the shore, and the gentle breeze of the wind through my hair as I walk on the beach. I try to make the most of the time I have at the beach so I stay outside the whole day until I have a bright, lobster red skin tone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A photo of the Nilaveli beach in Sri Lanka: Ministry of the Villas

Test Post

Testing New Blog